How Construction Zones Can Increase Your Risk of a Car Accident in Nashville

Construction zones, with their ever-present orange cones, are a familiar sight on Nashville roads. While they pave the way for improved infrastructure, they also create a hidden danger zone for drivers. The unfamiliar environment, altered traffic patterns, and potential hazards can transform a routine commute into an accident waiting to happen. Here’s why construction zones…

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Can Friends Act as Witnesses in a Car Accident Case?

Any witness in a car accident can be a valuable one, especially if they are trustworthy people who were involved in the incident themselves. That means that friends or other passengers in the vehicle who were in the vehicle with you can and should be a component of your car accident case. However, that’s not…

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Can Car Accidents Cause Compression Fractures?

Car accidents involve a lot of physics. When two objects strike each other, the force of the accident can create a ripple of energy through the body, instantly causing damage internally and externally. Crashes often result in broken bones and fractures. One of the more serious injuries you can sustain is a compression fracture. According…

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If a Car Cuts Me Off and I Hit Them, Am I Liable?

Aggressive driving causes numerous problems on today’s roads. If another driver cuts you off, you likely didn’t have enough time to stop to avoid striking them. Who is responsible, then? Often, the other driver, but there are limitations to this. At Rocky McElhaney Law Firm, we can offer insight into your rights in this situation.…

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Can I Reopen My Nashville Car Accident Claim?

Most of the time, you cannot open a car accident claim once it is closed. Here is a common scenario. You are in a car accident that causes significant injury. You rush through the process of filing a claim. Then, you learn you are going to need additional surgery, or you may never regain full…

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What’s Making Roads Unsafe in Davidson County?

The Tennessee Department of Safety & Homeland Security (DSHS) keeps a running total of crashes throughout Tennessee and its various counties. 2023 saw 34,130 crashes across the state. Davidson County saw 24,902 of these crashes. What’s interesting to us, however, are the reasons behind these accidents. The DSHS lists these other reasons for car accidents…

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Lack of Seat Belts Is Killing Tennessee Drivers and Passengers

Some data out of the Tennessee Department of Safety & Homeland Security (DSHS) recently caught our attention. Their analysis of fatal and serious injury crashes shows some troubling information – mostly that people don’t seem to be wearing their seat belts. The state of Tennessee saw over 6,000 fatal and serious injury crashes in 2023.…

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