Franklin Truck Accident Lawyers

Franklin Truck Accident Lawyer

Injured in a commercial truck crash? Call our Franklin truck accident attorneys today

If you or a loved one has experienced the aftermath of a trucking collision, you know all too well the complex legal challenges and significant consequences involved. At Rocky McElhaney Law Firm, our dedicated team of Franklin truck accident attorneys is here to provide the expertise and support you need during this difficult time. With a deep understanding of the intricacies of trucking regulations and a proven track record in handling complex cases, we stand ready to be your advocates in pursuing justice and rightful compensation.

What types of truck accidents do your Franklin lawyers handle?

Our Franklin truck accident attorneys handle a wide range of truck accidents, including:

  • Jackknife accidents. Occur when a truck's trailer swings out to the side, resembling the angle of a folding jackknife, often resulting in collisions.
  • Rollover accidents. Involving the truck rolling onto its side or roof, often caused by factors such as speeding, sharp turns, or overloading.
  • Underride accidents. Occur when a smaller vehicle slides under the rear or side of a truck, often leading to severe injuries or fatalities for occupants of the smaller vehicle.
  • Override accidents. Happen when a truck runs over a smaller vehicle and the vehicle slides under the truck, typically due to the failure to stop in time.
  • Wide turn accidents. Involve collisions with vehicles that are caught in the path of a turning truck with a wide turning radius.
  • Brake failure accidents. Result from the failure of a truck's braking system, leading to an inability to stop or slow down in time.
  • Tire blowout accidents. Occur when a truck's tire suddenly bursts, potentially causing the driver to lose control.
  • Cargo spill accidents. Involving the spillage of a truck's cargo onto the roadway, creating hazards for other vehicles.
  • Drowsy driving accidents. Accidents caused by truck drivers who are fatigued or have violated regulations regarding hours of service.
  • Improper maintenance accidents. The result of the failure to properly maintain and inspect the truck, leading to mechanical failures.
  • Negligent hiring or training accidents. Cases where the trucking company may be held liable for hiring inexperienced or unqualified drivers, or failing to provide proper training.
  • Driver negligence accidents. Including cases where the truck driver is at fault for the accident due to factors such as distracted driving, speeding, or violating traffic laws.

It's important to consult with Franklin truck accident lawyers who have experience handling these types of cases. Our attorneys can investigate the specific circumstances of your accident, determine liability, and help you pursue compensation for your injuries, property damage, and other losses.

What are common injuries from Franklin truck accidents?

Truck accidents, unfortunately, often result in serious injuries due to the sheer size and weight of these vehicles. The impacts involved can cause a wide range of injuries, and here are some of the most common:

Severe injuries

  • Head and brain injuries. These are some of the most concerning injuries from truck accidents, with potential consequences like concussions, skull fractures, internal bleeding, and even traumatic brain injuries. The force of the crash can cause occupants to hit their heads on interior parts of the car, or for objects to become projectiles.
  • Spinal cord injuries.Even a minor crash can damage the delicate spinal cord, leading to varying degrees of paralysis or nerve damage. These injuries can have lifelong consequences, affecting mobility, sensation, and bodily functions.
  • Internal injuries. The violent impact can cause damage to organs like the liver, spleen, kidneys, or lungs. Internal bleeding from these injuries may not be immediately apparent, making them particularly dangerous.
  • Amputations. The high force of collision or entanglement in wreckage can lead to the loss of limbs, requiring extensive surgery and rehabilitation.

Other common injuries

  • Broken bones. The sheer force of a truck collision can easily fracture bones in various parts of the body, including arms, legs, ribs, and pelvis. Healing broken bones often requires casts, surgery, and extensive physical therapy.
  • Soft tissue injuries. Whiplash, sprains, strains, and torn ligaments are also common, leading to significant pain and limited mobility.
  • Cuts and lacerations. Broken glass, sharp metal, and debris can cause deep cuts and lacerations, requiring stitches and potentially leaving permanent scars.
  • Psychological trauma. The shock and emotional distress of being involved in a serious accident can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and depression.

It's important to remember that these are just a few common injuries, and the severity can vary greatly depending on the specific circumstances of the accident. Seeking immediate medical attention is crucial after any truck accident, even if you don't feel immediate pain, as some internal injuries may not show symptoms right away.

If you or someone you know has been involved in a truck accident, it's essential to consult with a Franklin personal injury lawyer experienced in these cases. We can help you understand your legal rights and navigate the complex process of seeking compensation for your injuries.

Why do Franklin truck accidents happen?

Truck accidents can occur due to a variety of factors, often involving a combination of circumstances. Some common reasons why truck accidents happen include:

  • Driver fatigue. Long hours on the road and demanding schedules can lead to driver fatigue, impairing a truck driver's alertness, reaction time, and overall ability to operate the vehicle safely.
  • Distracted driving. Distractions such as texting, talking on the phone, eating, or using in-car entertainment systems can divert a truck driver's attention from the road, leading to accidents.
  • Excessive speeding reduces a driver's ability to react to obstacles or changes in traffic, increasing the risk of accidents.
  • Impaired driving. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs can severely impair a truck driver's judgment, coordination, and reaction time.
  • Inadequate training. Insufficient training on the part of truck drivers may contribute to poor decision-making and handling of the vehicle.
  • Improper loading. Incorrectly loaded or overloaded trucks can affect the vehicle's stability, leading to accidents. Cargo shifting during transit is a common problem.
  • Mechanical failures. Defective brakes, tire blowouts, or other mechanical failures can contribute to accidents. Poor maintenance practices may exacerbate these issues.
  • Aggressive driving. Aggressive behaviors such as tailgating, weaving in and out of traffic, or road rage can lead to collisions.
  • Weather conditions. Adverse weather conditions, such as rain, snow, ice, or fog, can reduce visibility and create slippery road surfaces, increasing the likelihood of accidents.
  • Poor road conditions. Potholes, uneven road surfaces, and inadequate signage can contribute to accidents.
  • Inexperienced drivers. Lack of experience or inadequate driver training may contribute to poor decision-making on the road.
  • Failure to follow traffic laws. Violating traffic laws, such as running red lights or stop signs, can lead to collisions.
  • Vehicle defects. Defective truck parts or manufacturing errors may contribute to accidents. Issues with brakes, tires, or other critical components can be particularly dangerous.
  • Fatigue issues. Inadequate rest breaks and violations of hours-of-service regulations may result in fatigued driving.
  • Communication issues. Lack of communication between truck drivers and other motorists, especially regarding lane changes or turns, can contribute to accidents.

If you or a loved one have been injured in a truck accident that wasn’t your fault, talk to the Franklin attorneys at Rocky McElhaney Law Firm today.

Who is liable for my Franklin truck accident and injuries?

After a Franklin truck accident, potential liable parties may include the:

  • Truck driver. If the driver caused the accident through negligence, such as speeding, distracted driving, or fatigue, they may be held liable.
  • Trucking company. The company employing the driver could be liable if they:
    • Failed to properly train or supervise the driver.
    • Pushed the driver to meet unrealistic deadlines, leading to fatigue.
    • Failed to maintain the truck in good condition.
  • Cargo owner/loader. If the accident was caused by improper loading or securing of cargo, the owner or loader of the cargo may be liable.
  • Truck manufacturer. If a defective truck part caused the accident, the manufacturer of that part could be held liable.

Other parties. In some cases, other parties, such as road maintenance companies or government agencies, could also be held liable.

What is the value of my Franklin truck accident claim?

The value of a truck accident claim depends on many factors that can vary greatly based on the unique circumstances of your case. Factors affecting claim value include:

  • Severity of your injuries. The extent of your physical and emotional injuries plays a significant role in determining the claim value. More severe injuries requiring extensive medical treatment, rehabilitation, and potential long-term impacts lead to higher claim values.
  • Medical expenses. All documented medical expenses incurred due to the accident, including ambulance rides, emergency room visits, surgeries, medication, and ongoing therapy, are considered in the claim value.
  • Lost wages. Any income lost due to the accident, including missed work days, reduced earning capacity, and future lost wages, are factored into the claim.
  • Pain and suffering. The physical and emotional pain and suffering you experience as a result of the accident are also compensated. This can be a challenging aspect to quantify, but your lawyer will use evidence and expert testimony to demonstrate the impact on your life.
  • Property damage. Any damage to your vehicle or other personal property involved in the accident is included in the claim value.
  • Liability. Identifying the responsible party (truck driver, trucking company, etc.) and proving their negligence helps ensure a successful claim.

The Franklin truck accident attorneys at Rocky McElhaney Law Firm are well-versed in seeking compensation for your injuries. Talk to us today.

Injured in a truck collision? Talk to our Franklin truck accident lawyers today

If you or a loved one has been involved in a truck accident, the road to recovery can be challenging, but you don't have to navigate it alone. The experienced team of Franklin truck accident attorneys at Rocky McElhaney Law Firm is here to stand as your advocates and fight for the justice and compensation to which you are entitled. Our Gladiators will fight for you. To schedule a meeting with a skilled lawyer, call our offices or fill out our contact form today.