Portland TN Car Accident Lawyers

Car Accident Lawyers in Portland, TN

When you need help, our Portland car accident attorneys are here

If you've recently been involved in a car accident, you understand the overwhelming challenges that follow such a traumatic event. From navigating insurance claims to dealing with injuries and property damage, the aftermath can be intimidating. At Rocky McElhaney Law Firm, we provide compassionate and skilled legal representation for individuals like you who have been affected by car accidents. Our dedicated team of Portland car accident attorneys is here to support you every step of the way, ensuring that your rights are protected and that you receive the compensation you deserve. With our experience and commitment to client advocacy, you can trust us to guide you through this difficult time and help you rebuild your life.

What types of auto accidents do your Portland car accident lawyers handle?

Our team of car accident attorneys handles a wide range of car accident cases, including:

  • Rear-end collisions
  • Head-on collisions
  • T-bone accidents
  • Hit-and-run accidents
  • Multi-vehicle accidents
  • Intersection accidents
  • Drunk driving accidents
  • Distracted driving accidents
  • Reckless driving accidents
  • Merging accidents
  • Highway accidents
  • Pedestrian accidents involving vehicles
  • Bicycle accidents involving vehicles

No matter the circumstances of your car accident, our lawyers understand how to provide you with the legal representation you need to pursue justice and compensation. We understand that each case is unique, and we are committed to tailoring our approach to meet your specific needs and circumstances.

What are some of the most serious car accident injuries?

Car accidents can result in a wide range of injuries, some of which can be severe and life-threatening. Here are some of the most serious Portland car accident injuries:

  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs): TBIs occur when the brain suffers trauma due to a sudden jolt or blow to the head. TBIs can range from concussions to severe brain damage and can have long-lasting effects on cognitive and motor functions.
  • Spinal cord injuries: Spinal cord injuries can lead to partial or complete paralysis, depending on the severity and location of the injury. These injuries can have a significant impact on mobility, sensation, and quality of life.
  • Internal organ damage: Car accidents can cause internal injuries such as punctured organs, internal bleeding, or damage to vital organs like the liver, kidneys, or spleen. Internal injuries may not always be immediately apparent and can worsen over time if left untreated.
  • Fractures and orthopedic injuries: Car accidents can result in broken bones, fractures, dislocations, and other orthopedic injuries. These injuries often require extensive medical treatment, including surgery, rehabilitation, and long-term care.
  • Whiplash and neck injuries: Whiplash is a common injury in rear-end collisions, where the head and neck are forcefully jerked back and forth. This can cause damage to the muscles, ligaments, and soft tissues in the neck, leading to pain, stiffness, and limited mobility.
  • Burns and lacerations: Car accidents involving fires, explosions, or sharp objects can cause severe burns and lacerations. These injuries may require skin grafts, reconstructive surgery, and ongoing medical treatment.
  • Psychological trauma: Car accidents can also result in psychological injuries such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. The emotional effects of a car accident can be deep and may require therapy and counseling to address.

It's important to seek immediate medical attention following a car accident, even if you don't initially feel injured, as some injuries may not be immediately apparent. If you've been injured in a car accident due to someone else's negligence, it's essential to consult with a qualified personal injury attorney to understand your rights and pursue compensation for your injuries and damages.

What are common causes of car accidents in Portland?

Car accidents can occur due to a variety of factors, many of which involve human error. Some common causes of car accidents include:

  • Distracted driving: This includes activities such as texting, talking on the phone, eating, adjusting the radio, or using navigation systems while driving, all of which divert attention away from the road.
  • Speeding: Driving at speeds higher than the posted limit or too fast for road conditions reduces the driver's ability to react to hazards and increases the severity of accidents.
  • Driving under the influence (DUI): Operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs significantly impairs judgment, reaction time, and coordination, leading to a higher risk of accidents.
  • Reckless driving: This encompasses aggressive behaviors such as tailgating, weaving in and out of traffic, failing to yield the right of way, and disregarding traffic signals and signs.
  • Fatigue: Driving while tired or drowsy can impair judgment and reaction time, similar to driving under the influence, and increase the risk of accidents.
  • Failure to obey traffic laws: Ignoring traffic signals, stop signs, speed limits, and other traffic laws can lead to collisions with other vehicles or pedestrians.
  • Poor road conditions: Potholes, uneven pavement, debris on the road, and inadequate signage can contribute to accidents, especially if drivers are not prepared to navigate these hazards.
  • Vehicle defects: Malfunctions in vehicle components such as brakes, tires, steering, or lights can lead to accidents, especially if the driver is unaware of the issue or fails to address it promptly.
  • Inexperienced or elderly drivers: Lack of driving experience or diminished cognitive and physical abilities can impair a driver's ability to safely operate a vehicle, increasing the risk of accidents.

Understanding these common causes of car accidents highlights the importance of practicing safe driving habits, staying vigilant behind the wheel, and taking precautions to prevent accidents and protect yourself and others on the road. However, even the best driver can’t avoid a negligent or reckless driver.

Who is liable for my Portland car accident?

Determining liability in a car accident in Portland depends on various factors. In many cases, the driver who acted negligently or recklessly and caused the accident is held liable for the resulting damages. Negligence in the context of car accidents refers to the failure to exercise reasonable care while driving, thereby causing harm to others on the road. Examples of negligent behavior include speeding, running red lights, texting while driving, or driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

In some instances, liability may extend beyond the drivers involved in the accident. For example, if the accident occurred due to a defective vehicle part or inadequate maintenance, the manufacturer or the party responsible for vehicle maintenance may share liability for the damages. Similarly, if the accident was caused by hazardous road conditions or inadequate signage, the government entity responsible for maintaining the roads might be held liable for negligence.

It's important to note that liability can be shared among multiple parties. Insurance companies, law enforcement agencies, and our attorneys may conduct investigations, gather evidence, and interview witnesses to establish liability accurately.

How long do I have to file a car accident claim in Tennessee?

Here in Tennessee, the statute of limitations for filing a car accident claim is typically one year from the date of the accident. If you fail to file a lawsuit within this timeframe, you may lose your right to sue for compensation for your injuries and damages.

Do you have a Portland car accident attorney near me?

Rocky McElhaney Law Firm has several locations throughout Tennessee to serve our clients better. We can also schedule phone or video consultations if you are too ill or injured to visit us.

Schedule a consultation with our Portland car accident attorneys today

Are you or a loved one dealing with the aftermath of a car accident in Portland? Don't face the challenges alone. Our team of experienced car accident attorneys is here to guide you through the legal process and fight for the compensation you deserve. Whether you're dealing with injuries, medical bills, or property damage, we're ready to advocate for your rights and provide the support you need to move forward. To schedule a meeting with an experienced and dedicated Gladiator, call our offices or fill out our contact form today.