Personal Injury Lawyers Portland TN

Personal Injury Lawyers in Portland, TN

Our Portland personal injury attorneys can help after an accident

After an unexpected and life-altering accident, you need strong legal representation to help answer all your questions and secure compensation for your injuries. The Portland personal injury lawyers at Rocky McElhaney Law Firm are here to fight for you. Talk to us today about how we can help with your personal injury case – our Gladiators will remain by your side from the beginning through the end of the legal process.

What does a Portland personal injury attorney do?

A personal injury lawyer is a legal professional who specializes in representing individuals who have been physically or psychologically injured due to the negligence or wrongdoing of another party. Their primary responsibility is to advocate for their clients and help them seek compensation for the damages they have suffered.

One of the key roles of a personal injury lawyer is to provide you with legal counsel and guidance throughout the legal process. This involves explaining your rights, evaluating the strength of your case, and outlining potential legal strategies to pursue maximum compensation. We also offer advice on how to interact with insurance companies, medical providers, and other parties involved in the case.

What kinds of injury claims do your Portland personal injury lawyers handle?

Our Portland personal injury attorneys handle a wide variety of personal injury claims, including:

  • Car and truck accidents: We often represent individuals who have been injured in car accidents caused by negligent drivers. This includes accidents involving cars, trucks, motorcycles, bicycles, and pedestrians.
  • Slip and fall accidents: Property owners have a duty to maintain safe premises. Our Portland personal injury lawyers handle slip and fall claims when individuals are injured due to hazardous conditions on someone else's property, such as slippery floors, uneven surfaces, or inadequate lighting.
  • Traumatic brain injury. Our injury attorneys represent clients who have experienced head and brain injuries (TBI) in accidents caused by another’s negligence.
  • Medical malpractice: We also represent clients who have suffered harm due to medical negligence, including surgical errors, misdiagnosis, medication errors, and birth injuries.
  • Product liability: If a defective product causes injury or harm to a consumer, we can pursue claims against the manufacturer, distributor, or retailer responsible for the product.
  • Workplace injuries: Our personal injury lawyers handle claims for workers who have been injured on the job due to unsafe working conditions, inadequate training, or employer negligence. While workers' compensation often covers these injuries, there may be cases where third-party liability exists, warranting a personal injury claim.
  • Wrongful death: In cases where a person's death is caused by the negligence or wrongful actions of another party, our Portland personal injury lawyers may represent surviving family members in wrongful death claims seeking compensation for damages such as medical expenses, funeral costs, loss of income, and emotional suffering.

What is a Portland personal injury?

The majority of the claims we handle involve physical injury, but you should remember that not all injuries are physical. Injuries can be:

  • Economic, meaning the tangible losses you’ve suffered as a result of your accident. If you suffered a serious injury, you likely have extensive medical bills and lost paychecks. You may need additional help and therapies in the future. Economic damages cover these losses.
  • Mental and emotional, meaning you are eligible for compensation for emotional and psychological issues caused by the accident.

A personal injury lawsuit also allows for pain and suffering, which is compensation for your physical pain and mental suffering from your injuries and losses.

How much is my Portland personal injury claim worth?

Determining the value of your personal injury claim is a complex process that depends on various factors unique to each case. Personal injury claims seek compensation for damages such as medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, property damage, and other losses incurred due to the injury. A number of factors can influence the value of your personal injury claim, including:

  • Extent of your injuries: The severity and nature of your injuries play a significant role in determining the value of your claim. Serious injuries that result in long-term disabilities, permanent disfigurement, or significant pain and suffering generally lead to higher compensation.
  • Medical expenses: Your past and future medical expenses related to the injury, including hospital bills, surgeries, medications, rehabilitation, therapy, and assistive devices, are also important considerations in determining the value of your claim.
  • Lost wages and earning capacity: If your injury has caused you to miss work or has affected your ability to earn income in the future, you may be entitled to compensation for lost wages and diminished earning capacity.
  • Pain and suffering: Compensation for physical pain, emotional distress, and psychological trauma resulting from your injury.
  • Property damage: If your personal property was damaged in the incident that caused your injury, such as in a car accident, the cost of repairing or replacing the property may be included in your claim.

Consulting with our Portland personal injury lawyers can help you get the specifics you need about your case. We work to determine the fair value of your claim based on the facts and circumstances of the case, as well as your injuries and losses. Talk to us today.

How long do I have to file a personal injury action in Portland?

Here in Tennessee, you only have one year from the date of or discovery of the injury. Because these cases are so time-critical, it’s vital that you get in touch with a Portland personal injury lawyer as soon as possible after your accident. If you fail to file within a year, you may lose your right to pursue compensation for your injuries.

Resources for injury victims in Portland

If you are injured or in immediate danger, call 911. Otherwise, you may find these other phone numbers handy:

Do you have a Portland personal injury attorney near me?

Rocky McElhaney Law Firm has several locations throughout Tennessee to better serve our clients. We can also schedule phone or video consultations if you are too ill or injured to visit us.

Portland personal injury lawyers working for you

If you’ve experienced injury in an accident, you need strong legal help on your side. Seek the experienced guidance and advocacy of a skilled personal injury attorney today. At Rocky McElhaney Law Firm, our team of experienced Portland personal injury lawyers is here to fight for your rights and help you secure the compensation you deserve. Contact us now to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards justice and recovery by calling our offices or filling out our contact form.