
The Dangers of AndroGel and Testosterone Therapy

Protecting families affected by dangerous drugs in Tennessee and beyond

AndroGel is a testosterone-replacement therapy gel used by adult males suffering from symptoms of low testosterone. Marketed by AbbVie in the U.S., a subsidiary of Abbott Laboratories, the success of Androgel is due largely to an $80 million marketing campaign designed to convince older men that if they are experiencing fatigue, weight gain, loss of libido, muscle mass and energy it just might mean that they have "Low T," when those are simply symptoms of something much easier to explain: getting older.

At the Rocky McElhaney Law Firm, we have the knowledge and experience to represent clients who have been injured after taking a dangerous drug. From our offices in Nashville, Knoxville and Hendersonville, we have taken on multi-billion dollar corporations and insurance companies who put their profits ahead of your safety. When you want justice, you want Rocky McElhaney Law Firm on your side.

What makes AndroGel a dangerous drug?

In 2011, approximately one in 25 men in their 60's was taking testosterone replacement therapy. In the U.S. men spend close to $2 billion on testosterone treatments each year. And while AndroGel may help men to increase lean body mass and boost their sex drive, it is also linked to an increase in cardiac events such as heart attack and stroke.

After the results form medical research studies that showed an increase in heart attack risk in users of Androgel, the FDA issued a safety warning in January 2014 advising the public of the possible dangers of heart attack and stroke.

AndroGel and drugs like it are also extremely dangerous to women, specifically pregnant women, and their children. Because topical testosterone therapies are rubbed into the skin, literally anyone who comes in contact with the gels can absorb some of the drug. Some of the more common side effects include:

  • Early entrance to puberty in children
  • Increases in libido
  • Increases in aggression or aggressive tendencies
  • Body hair growth
  • Increase acne breakouts
  • Enlarged genitalia

Men who have suffered cardiac events after prolonged use of AndroGel have filed lawsuits claiming that Androgel manufacturer AbbVie and parent company Abbot Labs, "deceived potential users by relaying positive information through the press. . .while downplaying known adverse and serious health risks," as reported in Bloomberg News.

AT Rocky McElhaney Law Firm, we know how to hold manufacturers accountable for their defective products. If you are a man who took AndroGel and then suffered a heart attack or a stroke, or if your child or spouse suffered harm because of your topical testosterone therapy, we may be able to help.

We stand up for you injury victims throughout East Tennessee

Wouldn't it be nice if you could concentrate on healing from your injury from a defective drug while someone else fights your legal battles? That's what the Rocky McElhaney Law Firm is here for. To schedule a free initial consultation, please call 615-425-2500 or fill out our contact form. We proudly represent clients in and around Nashville, Knoxville and Hendersonville.